Nurturing Community, Sustaining the Earth, Providing Local equitable food.

About the Tiny Farm Project

Founded in 2022, the Tiny Farm Project is revolutionizing the way we think about agriculture, fostering a closer bond among families, neighbors, and the broader community. By turning unused land into productive “Tiny Farms,” we’re not just enhancing local food supply; we’re building community. Through partnerships with landowners, governments, and diverse stakeholders, we employ sustainable farming methods that enrich both people and the planet. With a focus on accessible education and outreach, our mission is to cultivate a resilient, equitable, and sustainable local food system that strengthens the fabric of our communities for generations to come.

The Problems

Consolidation of the agricultural industry:

The number of farms in the US has declined by 60% since 1982.

The average size of a farm has increased by 170% over the same period.

The top 10% of farms now control 70% of all farmland.

This consolidation has led to the decline of family farms, as many small farmers have been forced to sell their land or go out of business.

Use of pesticides and herbicides:

The US agricultural industry uses more pesticides and herbicides than any other country in the world.

In 2017, farmers applied an estimated 1.6 billion pounds of pesticides and herbicides to crops in the US.

These chemicals can pollute waterways, contaminate soil, and harm wildlife.

They can also pose health risks to farmworkers and consumers, including cancer, reproductive problems, and neurological disorders.

Loss of farmland:

The US is losing farmland at an alarming rate.

Between 1982 and 2017, the country lost an estimated 21 million acres of farmland.

This loss is due to a number of factors, including development, urbanization, and climate change.

Development is the leading cause of farmland loss, as land is converted to housing, commercial development, and other uses.

Urbanization is also a major factor, as cities expand and encroach on agricultural land.

Tiny Farm Model

What sets us apart is our focus on repurposing existing land, often unused portions of larger homeowner plots ranging from 1 to 2 acres. 

These spaces, once fertile farmland, are transformed into productive “Tiny Farms” without the need for new land purchases. 

This approach maximizes land use, minimizes food transportation, and aligns with our mission to build a resilient, sustainable, and local food system for our communities.